In CLM there are two types of grass that serve two different functions.
Orchardgrass is a nutritious type of grass, and ‘Orchard’ grass is normal grass, — but Tyrone thinks it is a superior variety. Oh, dear.
“Orchard” Grass — the grass you get from Bellflower Meadow that Tyrone can exchange for Fuel
Orchardgrass — the superior grass found in the Sawmill area, used to feed your animals for Silver produce

“Orchard” Grass (BfM)
This regular grass grows in Bellflower Meadow, and Tyrone believes it’s superior simply because it grows there. He is happy to trade it for some Fuel to feed a neglected donkey along one of his delivery routes.
“Orchard” Grass starts regrowing 20 hours after the first patch grew the previous day. There should be a total of 5 grass patches daily, increasing to 8 patches during Competitions. This type of grass grows in several areas in Bellflower Meadow (to the left of the Log Cabin, next to the water tower, or near the Old Shack).”
The grass appears only when you visit BfM, provided that 20 hours have passed since the last patches grew.

For how to use “Orchard” Grass to get Fuel from Tyrone, CLICK HERE.
Orchardgrass (The Water Sawmill)
Orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata) performs well on different textured soils ranging from clay to gravely loams and on shallow to deep soil.
Orchardgrass only grows in the Water Sawmill area, specifically in the garden below the river. It can be fed to animals to produce Silver items, such as milk, eggs, or wool.

Silver Milk can be produced by the Kerry Cow (a prize from the Halloween 2023 Event) or by cows under cow shades—if the player completed the event at the time. Cow shades were available through special offers in past years, and they may be added to the Shop in the future.
Silver Star Eggs are produced by the Ayam Chicken, which was also a prize in the Halloween 2023 Event.
Silver Black Wool is made by the Welsh Sheep, but only if you completed the Halloween 2023 Event.
For how these animals work to give silver produce, CLICK HERE.