There are 4 ways to get more ice:
1. Your Cool Packer gives out some ice every day (it resets every 20 hours based on your own schedule) when you collect your packed products. If you make more than 10-20 packed products and you don’t find any more ice, it means it has dried out. You can get up to 12 ice per day.

2. You can ask your friends for more ice. Just like with salt & pepper for recipes, when you run out of ice, you will see an “Ask” button below the ice icon in your lemonade recipes.
If you can’t send/receive ice, here’s why that is happening:

3. Ice is also available in the Ranch Shop > Specials tab.

4. When the lemonade stand was introduced, we posted a new lemonade each day on our fan page and you got some free ice by clicking on the link found in each post. Please check out the latest posts on our Fan Page — the ones since we introduced the Lemonade Stand 🙂
When the link for ice takes you to the game, please stay in the game until it completely loads your farm so that it “saves” you have received the ice in your Gifts. If you refresh immediately, it’s possible it won’t save it. All 10 links for free ice work — we tested them.
Here’s the link to our Fan Page:

5. As a reward for delivering chickens to other farms with Tyrone