This is a small guide explaining what you have to do in the quests after you fix the Train Station.
Increase Your Cargo Capacity

The quest asks you to send 2 complete shipments. After you finish it, you will have 7 crates in your Railcar. A complete shipment is when you fill the first 2 mandatory crates with what they request and the rest of the crates up to their maximum of 100 — so, ALL crates have to be filled to the maximum.

No Bonus Shipments Are OK!

This quest asks you to add LESS than 100 of a produce in 3 crates, then send the Train with an incomplete shipment. The quest is meant to highlight that you can still get some quick coins for what you sell, even if you send the Train with only 30 corn, 15 breads, and 10 eggs, for example. The idea is that there’s no need to worry about complete shipments all the time. 🙂

Earning the First Train Ticket

The quest asks you to install the liquid level gauge on the Railcar and fill it to earn 1 Train Ticket.

As you can see, it takes 5000 points to get 1 Train Ticket, with fruits and vegetables giving 3 points each, and processed good 4 points each.
Recipes to Town

This quest asks you to send 21 complete shipments so you can order a second Railcar and a Cooler.
You have to do the first part of the quest (the 20 complete shipments) before you add 1 Railcar, then select the Cooler for the secondRailcar. Again, a complete shipment is considered when you fill the first 2 crates with what they indicate in the specified quantity + ALL other crates to the maximum of 100.