In your Settings bar you have two options that allow you to look behind taller objects on your farm. You can use one option or both at the same time.
1. Toggle Visibility of Trees
This option makes trees invisible so you can see what’s behind them.

2. Toggle Visibility of Tall Gear and Buildings
This option makes tall gear and buildings invisible, allowing you to see animals, plots, and gear that are behind them.

PLEASE NOTE: “Toggle visibility of trees” and “Toggle visibility of tall gear and buildings” do not not work while “Peek behind tall objects” is checked in your Game Settings.
3. Peek behind tall objects
To enable this option, click the “Settings” button, then make sure “Peek behind tall objects” is checked.

To use it, press and hold the “F” key on your keyboard and hover with your mouse pointer over any tall item and it will become transparent so you can look at what’s behind it.

When foraging for mushrooms, you get double the XP if the mushroom is behind a tree and you are using “Peek behind tall objects”.

You can also use the option to hide thorny bushes in BfM.

Or see what’s behind the Fishing Hut and pick up Sap Taps.