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How do I feed Animals and collect produce?

To get produce from your animals, you will first have to feed them. Nothing new here.

To feed an animal, click on its trough and watch it turn green then get filled with the respective animal’s crop of choice.

Your animal will start eating the feed and convert it into produce that you can collect. To collect, simply click on them and they’ll go directly to your Barn (bottom menu).

You’ll soon develop your own rhythm and you’ll click enough times on an animal so that you collect the produce and feed it in a single instance. Once the animal is full, a blue text will appear to notify you of this.

You can place a maximum of 3 crops (or the animal’s required feed) in an animal’s trough and collect 3 produce from it.

Use the animal produce to make other things in the gear or cook tasty Recipes in the Farm Kitchen.